
"Fellowship" is a weighty word for having fun together, sharing our stories, and making friends. We do all three by catching up during coffee hour, sharing hiking or biking adventures, or sleeping under the stars on the annual parish camping trip. We also swap stories while cooking brats and brisket for parish gatherings, discussing the latest book club read, or exploring nearby museums and attractions with the St. Michael's Active Senior Happenings (SMASH) group. Try out one of our welcoming groups to start making new friends and feel even more at home at St. Michael's.

For information on any of our programs, please call our office at 719.598.3244 or email us.

20s & 30s

Our lively 20s & 30s group meets monthly during the program year for fellowship offsite at local establishments. Check the Weekly eNews for our next event and if you have questions, contact Owen@stmikeschurch.com

40s & 50s

Are you in your 40s or 50s and looking to connect with people your age? The 40s & 50s group is for those who are a little too old for the 20s & 30s group and not old enough for SMASH. Check the Weekly eNews for upcoming events. This group meets approximately every two months.

S.M.A.S.H. (St. Michael's Active Senior Happenings)

This group of, ahem, more mature congregants enjoys getting together throughout the year for outings to museums, events, and new dining establishments. All adults welcome. Bring your curiosity or sense of adventure and join for their next outing.

Supper Club

Our NEW Supper Club is a great way to build community and form spiritual friendships in the comfort of home. This is a wonderful opportunity to try something new, enjoy a delicious home cooked meal, and get to know some new people from St. Michael’s! Spring Supper Club is underway and will gather March-June. Look for the fall sign-up to come this summer. To learn more, CLICK HERE.

BBQ Ministry

St. Michael’s BBQ Ministry adheres to its three goals of promoting fellowship among its members and the church, supporting church causes, and raising the public profile of St. Michael’s. This is truly an amazing group of men who love to BBQ and enjoy fellowship with one another.

Bike Riding Group

The cycling group meets at the Costco parking lot (near the gas pumps) and bikes on the Santa Fe Trail for approximately 10-12 miles on many weekday mornings. The route is paved, degree of difficulty is easy to moderate, and destinations vary slightly. Stopping for a snack either midway or after the ride is a highlight of the trip!

Caregiver Support Group

At some point in their lives, many people find themselves individually caring for the health and well being of another person, typically a family member. Our caregiver support group is an effort to bring those people together so they can find support by talking about their experience with each other. This group meets on the first and third Saturday of the month at 2:00 PM.

Creating Space

Would you like to craft or create something, but clearing space to do so is challenging? Have you wanted to learn a new skill such as knitting, painting, or beading? Or do you just need a break from the busyness of everyday life? St. Mike’s is Creating Space for you! On the fourth Saturday of each month from 9:00 - 12:00 in the Multi-Purpose Room. For details contact Mary Hattick at mhattick@gmail.com or Sandra Willey at boppiewilley@gmail.com.

Daughters of the King

The St. Catherine of Siena Chapter of the Daughters of the King is a chapter of the International Lay Order of Women who dedicate themselves to living a life of prayer, service and evangelism to the church and the community. This group meets on the third Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in The Chapel.
The national webite is: doknational.org.

People Who Read

Enjoy reading popular and "book club" type fiction (and occasionally nonfiction), drinking wine, and noshing? Then People Who Read is for you! This group typically reads six books per year and meets in members' homes for their discussions. Recent books include West with Giraffes and Africa is Not a Country. Please join . . . and bring a friend!

Tuesday Men's Fellowship

This group of men meets virtually on Tuesday mornings at 8:00 AM for a time of prayer, formation, and fellowship. Contact Bryan Call for more information Bryan_call@comcast.net

Wednesday Bible Study

This is a coed group of committed Christians that meets on Wednesdays from 12:30 - 2:00 PM seeking to become better friends with God by studying his Word. They focus on one Bible book at a time and sometimes use study guides. They find participants have different approaches to the Bible and the group usually has more questions than answers. New members are always welcome!

Celtic Spirituality Groups

Celtic Spirituality Groups pray together and discuss readings. These groups have a particular interest in following a Celtic prayer model. Celtic Spirituality Groups meet on Friday mornings at 9:00 AM and Thursday evening at 6:00 PM (often online).

Saturday Men's Group

Join the men of our church on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month during the program year for a time of worship, fellowship, and breakfast. Contact Rich Page for more information: pages2x@comcast.net

Wednesday Walkers

Colorado is full of beautiful weather and trails. Join this group on Wednesdays and discover God in the midst of His creation.

Youth Group

This group of tweens and teens meets on scheduled Wednesday Evenings (during the Program Year, September - May) for food, fun, friendship, and a variety of fellowship activities. Middle schoolers, high schoolers, and their friends are welcome.