Holy Week 2024

From early times, Christians have observed the week before Easter as a time of special devotion. As the pilgrim Egeria recorded in the late fourth century, Jerusalem contained many sacred places that were sites for devotion and liturgy. Numerous pilgrims to the holy city followed the path of Jesus in his last days. They formed processions, worshipped where Christ suffered and died, and venerated relics. From this beginning evolved the rites we observe today on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. These services provide a liturgical experience of the last days of Jesus' earthly life, as well as the time and events leading up to his resurrection. The three holy days, or Triduum, of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday are at the heart of the Holy Week observance. Holy Week ends at sundown on the Saturday before Easter, or with the celebration of the Easter Vigil.

Palm Sunday, March 24

  • 7:45 - 12:00 Nursery Available

  • 8:00 AM Palm Sunday Service & Holy Eucharist

  • 9:00 AM Palm Sunday Brunch. VOLUNTEER TO HELP

  • 9:30 AM Communion Bread Making (Children & Youth)

  • 10:30 AM Palm Sunday Service & Holy Eucharist + Livestreamed

  • 11:45 AM Palm Sunday Brunch. VOLUNTEER TO HELP

  • 11:45 AM Children & Youth Music Interest Session

Maundy Thursday, March 28

  • 7:00 PM Holy Eucharist, Washing of Feet, & Stripping of the Altar (Nursery Available) + Livestreamed. The Seraphim Choir is excited to present “We Remember Calvary,” a contemporary Tenebrae service by Joel Raney, recreating the emotional and spiritual aspects of the passion story.

  • 8:00 PM to 9:00 AM on March 29 is our Garden Watch. CLICK TO SIGN UP

  • The Garden Watch is a special invitation to stay awake with Jesus in the sanctuary at St. Michael’s with one another person. You can sign up for an hour time slot (or more). You may use the time to pray, read scripture, or meditate using The Saint John’s Bible.

Good Friday, March 29

  • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Reading the Gospels from The Saint John’s Bible. CLICK TO SIGN UP

  • 2:00 PM Good Friday Liturgy + Livestreamed

  • 3:00 PM Stations of the Cross

Holy Saturday, March 30

  • 10:00 AM Liturgy at the Columbarium

Easter Vigil, March 30

  • 7:00 PM Easter Vigil with Baptisms + Livestreamed

Easter Sunday, March 31

  • 6:30 AM Spoken Sunrise Easter Eucharist

  • 8:00 AM Festive Easter Eucharist with Brass

  • 9:30 AM Easter Egg Hunt (*See below)

  • 10:30 AM Festive Easter Choral Eucharist with Brass + Livestreamed

Easter Egg Hunt Details: All children in elementary school and younger are invited to join us for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Please meet in the Parish Hall at 9:30 AM, and don’t forget to bring a basket or bag to collect eggs. There will be different egg hunting sections for different age groups. To help us fill hundreds of eggs with sweet treats, please consider dropping off individually wrapped candy to the church office on or before March 20 (please no peanut candy). No RSVP needed to hunt eggs. Come as you are! 

Lent 2024

What is Lent?  Lent is the forty days of preparation for commemoration of our Lord’s passion and resurrection at Easter. The season is a time when all Christians are invited “to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God's holy Word” (BCP, p. 265).  Lent extends from Ash Wednesday through Holy Saturday, omitting Sundays. The last three days of Lent are the sacred Triduum of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Join us throughout the season of Lent for opportunities to explore, grow, and deepen your faith.

40 Days of Giving

Each Lent, St. Michael’s receives a list from our Outreach Partners of critical items they need to help those in our community. You are invited to donate 1, 5, 10, or all 40 items. Every donation will make a difference. Drop off will occur during Holy Week (March 24-31). Thank you! CLICK HERE to download the 40 Days of Giving flyer.

Lenten Retreat (FULL)
February10, 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

As a part of the self-examination we are encouraged to embark on in observance of a Holy Lent, this Lenten retreat will look at some of the teachings of the Ammas and Abbas, particularly what they call the passions (obstacles that keep us from loving God, ourselves and our neighbors) and the virtues (those things that invite us into healing and repentance as we look to deepen our awareness of God’s presence and deep love for us). The retreat leader is The Rev. Bonnie Sarah Spencer, a priest in the Diocese of Colorado. She is passionate about following Jesus and advancing racial justice, and she was a member of the Diocese of Colorado Race Task Force.

Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Supper
February 13, 5:00 - 7:00 PM

Many know the season of Lent is upon us with the annual Pancake Supper. Join us for pancakes in the Parish Hall. Men of the parish are invited to help cook, serve, and clean up. CLICK HERE to Volunteer. No RSVP required to stop by and enjoy some pancakes and sausage!

Ash Wednesday, February 14

7:00 - 9:00 AM Ashes to Go in St. Mike’s parking lot
12:00 PM
Service & Holy Eucharist
7:00 PM
Service with Choral Eucharist, livestreamed. Nursery Care Available.

Lenten Soup Suppers
Wednesday, February 21 - March 27, 5:30 - 7:00 PM

Join us for food, fellowship, and formation on Wednesday evenings in Lent. Enjoy dinner and fellowship from 5:30 - 6:15 PM and then The Rev. Matt Holcombe or The Rev. Vicki Hesse will explore “The Way of Love” from 6:15 - 7:00 PM. CLICK HERE to let us know you are coming.

Private Confession & Reconciliation of a Penitent

During the season of Lent, all Christians are invited into a time of self reflection, penitence, and fasting. To schedule a private confession with a member of the clergy, please email them at matt@stmikeschurch.com or vicki@stmikeschurch.com.