Worship & Education

Fourth Sunday in Lent
Sunday, March 30

Nursery (Up to 5-years-old) 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Coffee Hour & Fellowship Following the 8:00 & 10:30 AM Service


9:15 AM, SUNDAY FORUM: “jesus and the outsiders” with Rev. Matt


Easter Service Schedule

Join us this Easter and invite a friend. We look forward to celebrating the Risen Christ with you! All are welcome.

Saturday, April 19

7:00 PM Easter Vigil with Baptisms. †

Sunday, April 20

7:30 AM Sunrise Easter Service with Trumpet
9:00 AM Easter Egg Hunt, Meet in the Multipurpose Room
9:30 AM Family Easter Service with Brass, Choir, & ASL
11:00 AM Traditional Easter Service with Brass, Choir & Incense †

Livestreamed on YouTube & Facebook at www.stmikeschurch.com

Nursery Hours
Saturday, April 19, Nursery (Up to 5-years-old) 6:30 - 8:15 PM
Sunday, April 20, Nursery (Up to 5-years-old) 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Winter formation, fellowship, and fun at St. Michael’s!

Popular Links & Clicks

The Daily Journey

Start each day with a dose of scripture and a spiritual prompt to help you grow your faith. Sign up for the Daily Journey that is emailed every morning.

St. Michael’s is now home to all seven volumes of the The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition CXLI. To read a wonderful article featuring our work with the Bible since receiving it, CLICK HERE. To view the September 2023 dedication ceremony or if you would like to schedule a time to see The Saint John’s Bible with a trained docent, please click below.

Upcoming Parish Events

You are invited to join us as we observe the season of Lent through practices, special services, and opportunities to deepen your faith.

Lenten Soup Suppers, Continue March 26
Wednesday 5:30 - 7:00 PM
CLICK HERE to sign up for our popular Lenten Soup Suppers

Ski with the Priests at Keystone

Sign up Now - Thursday, March 27

Join Rev. Matt & Rev. Vicki on the slopes for a fun day of skiing at Keystone with a mountaintop Eucharist at noon. Join us for one run, several runs, or for the entire day! All ski & snowboard levels are welcome. Click below to RSVP and sign up for an optional carpool. Questions? Contact Matt or Vicki.

Donate Easter Brass and Flowers

Help us fill the church on Easter with beautiful flowers and glorious brass music for our Easter services by donating in thanksgiving for or in memory of loved ones. Names will be printed in the Easter Day Bulletin. Deadline is Sunday, April 6. Click below to donate.

Palm Sunday Brunch on April 13

Food Donations Welcomed - Deadline April 10

Join us for our annual Palm Sunday Brunch on Sunday, April 13, after both the 8:00 and 10:30 services at St. Michael's—no RSVP required! Volunteers are needed to bring ingredients for egg casseroles and to help with cooking, setup, serving, and cleanup. You can also sign up to bring fruit, muffins, pastries, or breakfast meats. Sign up below, then bring your donations to the upstairs kitchen by Thursday, April 10. Thank you for helping make this event special—we can't wait to celebrate with you!

40 Days of Giving

drop off during holy week, april 13-20

Each Lent, St. Michael’s receives a list from its Outreach Partners of critical items they need to help those in our community. You are invited to donate 1, 5, 10, or all 40 items. Every donation will make a difference. Drop off during Holy Week (April 13-20). Bags and donation lists are available in the Gathering Space.

Camino Pilgrimage

August 24 - Sept. 4, 2025

Registration is currently open to join St. Michael's 2025 Pilgrimage to walk the Camino in Spain. To learn more about costs, itinerary, and to register - click on the button below.

Welcome to your spiritual home …

Watch our welcome video to catch a glimpse into our faith family. Join us in-person or online to experience St. Michael’s for yourself.

St. Michael’s Episcopal Church is a family devoted to living out our faith and sharing our lives together. Together we learn, serve, worship, pray and support one another. Our principles are inspired by the message of Christ, meaning all are welcome here … whatever your background or age, history or lifestyle, race or ethnicity, gender identity, LGBTQIA+, relationship status or political affiliation, and whichever path you choose to commune with God, we believe that Jesus unites us all and makes us part of a greater family, one that is ever-connected by love.

We hope you will join us and learn more about what it is to be connected to the love of Christ through St. Michael's. To be directed to our Welcome page, CLICK HERE.

Get Connected & Learn More

Are you ready to grow spiritually? Are you looking for a spiritual home or a community where you can grow in your relationship with God, the world, your neighbors, and yourself? Complete the below form and a staff member will reach out to you in the coming days.


Join our Email List(s)

Do you want to learn more about the current events and ministries at St. Michael’s?

  • Sign up for All General Communications & Weekly eNews to stay connected and learn about opportunities for you to explore, grow, and deepen your faith.

  • Have kids at home? Sign up for the Children, Youth, Family Weekly eNews to learn about specific events geared towards our families and younger parishioners.

  • Are you ready to be fed daily? Sign up to receive the Daily Bible Journey for a daily email containing scripture and a spiritual prompt/question.