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Adult Ministries

St. Michael's offers many ways to engage and share our devotion, thoughts, and feelings with other gentle and caring souls. From education to discussions about faith and life, to book groups and shared suppers, there is something special for everyone.

*For the most up-to-date ministry opportunities check the Weekly eNews. To view the past and current Weekly eNews CLICK HERE.

Sunday Forum

Every Sunday we offer opportunities for our community to gather for fellowship and formation. In addition to clergy led conversations, we also invite guests to speak on a variety of faith based topics. Join us every Sunday at 9:15 AM (between worship services from September through May) in the sanctuary to be inspired and encouraged. CLICK HERE for Teaching Resources from Sunday Forum Classes.
Contact: The Rev. Matt Holcombe

Wednesday Bible Study

The Wednesday Bible Study meets every Wednesday from 12:30 - 2:00 PM in the downstairs Chapel to read and discuss Holy Scripture. This is a wonderful opportunity for those who have read the entire Bible or those just beginning their Bible journey. Contact: Linda Council or Les Sharpless.

Young Adults: 20s & 30s Group

Our 20s & 30s group is focused on creating fellowship opportunities and deepening relationships between our young adults. This group meets monthly, typically on the second Friday of the month. Check out the Weekly eNews to stay up to date on when the next event is. Contact Bailey to get involved in this ministry.

Adult Pilgrimage

Join the clergy and members in our community for life-changing experiences on pilgrimages around the world. To learn more about past and future pilgrimages, CLICK HERE to be directed to our Pilgrimage webpage. Questions? Contact one of our clergy members.

Celtic Spirituality Discussion Groups

There are two groups that meet regularly during the program year (first full week of September through the third week of May). One meets on Thursday evenings from 6:00 - 7:00 PM and the other on Friday mornings from 9:00 -10:30 AM. They pray together and discuss a book they are reading.
Thursday Celtic Group Leader: Jan McLaughlin
Friday Celtic Group Leader: Linda Kean

Lay Eucharistic Visitors

Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV) bring communion to those who are homebound and cannot come to a regularly scheduled service. If you wish to receive communion, please contact The Rev. Vicki Hesse or Deacon Gary Darress to be added to the schedule.


Adult Confirmation

Confirmation occurs at various times in the year in our region of the diocese. Confirmation classes are held prior to the Bishop’s visit. Contact one of our clergy or the church office to learn more.


Lenten Soup Suppers

Wednesday Lenten and Soup Suppers followed by presentation/discussion, or worship have been a tradition at St. Michael’s for many years.

St. Bede’s Bookstore

St. Bede’s Bookstore, located in the hallway outside the church offices, promotes Christian literacy by selling books that cover a wide range of topics related to the Christian faith. Prayer Books, Bibles and hymnals are also available. Items are purchased by using a donation box.

Men’s Fellowship

CLICK HERE to learn more about opportunities for fellowship with the Men of St. Michael’s. All are welcome!

Women’s Fellowship

CLICK HERE to learn more about opportunities for fellowship with the Women of St. Michael’s. All are welcome!

Other Formation Opportunities

To learn more about our other Bible study groups and opportunities for adult formation preview the Archangel Newsletters to learn more about current offerings.