Life Events & Sacraments
As Episcopalians, we believe that the church's sacraments are gifts from God and are both inward and outward expressions of God’s grace and love. This means that all people are treated in the same way regarding the sacraments as anyone else. Part of our tradition means that some sacraments have traditional requirements before they can be participated in; others have teaching components in place by the church to help people understand the sacraments more. Another part of our tradition encourages participation and membership in our community with the oversight of the clergy using their pastoral authority and discretion. These requirements are equal across the board, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or marital status. The Sacraments and requirements are as follows:
At least one parent and one godparent must be baptized. If you wish to have your child baptized but are not baptized, both parents and children may be baptized at the same time. We recognize that it may be difficult to select a godparent for your child if you are new to the Christian faith or new to our tradition, or if you don’t have supportive family and friends. We are honored to connect you to a seasoned member of our parish to serve as a godparent for you/your child if that is the case.
Baptisms should be prearranged with the clergy at St. Michael’s. We may be able to accommodate a date other than the ones listed below. Our 2025 Baptism Dates are as follows:
January 12, 2025 Baptism of our Lord
April 19, 2025 Easter Vigil
June 8, 2025 Pentecost
August 17, 2025 Midsummer
November 2, 2025 All Saints’ Sunday
2. Holy Eucharist
All are welcome to receive the Eucharist at St. Michael’s (also known as Communion). Holy Eucharist is the sacrament commanded by Christ for the continual remembrance of his life, death, and resurrection, until his coming again. The outward and visible sign in the Eucharist is bread and wine, given and received according to Christ’s command.
3. Marriage
Holy Matrimony is open to all legally marriable adults, including LGBTQ+ couples. There may be further requirements if either person seeking marriage is previously divorced (proof of divorce decree and bishop’s permission required by canon law). All couples must complete pre-marital counseling with our priest, or alternatively with a mental health professional of their choice.
4. Confirmation
All individuals 15-years-old or older are eligible to participate in Confirmation following instruction and preparation. Confirmation is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.
5. Confession
Also known as Reconciliation of a Penitent, or Penance, is the rite in which those who repent of their sins may confess them to God in the presence of a priest, and receive the assurance of pardon and the grace of absolution. Corporate confession occurs during most worship services but individual or private confession sessions can be arranged with a priest.
6. Ordination
Ordination is the rite in which God gives authority and the grace of the Holy Spirit to those being made bishops, priests, and deacons, through prayer and the laying on of hands by bishops. Individuals seeking ordination should consult with a priest to learn more about the discernment process in the Diocese of Colorado.
7. Unction
The rite of anointing the sick with oil, or the laying on of hands, by which God’s grace is given for the healing of spirit, mind, and body.
Holy Baptism
Parents of babies and young children who are being presented for baptism should also notify our priest to schedule this service. Parents will need to schedule an appointment with our priest as part of baptismal preparation. Godparents are not required to be Episcopalian, but they do need to be baptized Christians. The pastoral session with parents (and godparents if possible) will include time to share and imagine what it means to raise a child in the Christian life today, as well as the roles of parents and godparents. Our conversation will lead us to exploring the Church’s teaching of baptism as we find it in the Book of Common Prayer.
To request to be baptized at St. Michael’s, click on the below button to complete the Baptism Request Form.
Funerals and Columbarium
If you have a loved one who has died and are considering a funeral, please contact the parish office to set up a time to talk to our clergy about making these arrangements. All funeral services are conducted according to the rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer with music and other provisions subject to the discretion of our clergy.
Preplanning your Funeral
We encourage all parishioners to consider funeral planning ahead of time, making choices today that can help create peace of mind in the future. Funeral planning is also a profound help to family members who, in many cases, would be uncertain of how to proceed with a loved one’s wishes. Funeral planning is a concrete way to prepare for a process all of us will experience. Our Christian faith tells us that death, and preparing for that death, is not a failure or the end of hope.
St. Michael's has prepared information that guides the planning process for all persons involved. Funeral planning is appropriately done in the context of pastoral conversation with our parish priest. Please feel free to contact our priest about initiating the planning process.
Reflecting our faith and response to God’s love, St. Michael’s Memorial Garden and Columbarium was dedicated in 2005. It blends landscaping, walkways, grassy areas and provides a final resting place for those who have completed life’s journey. Memorial services are held or conclude there as the ashes of Christian brothers and sisters are reverently place in the Columbarium. Membership includes space for interment of remains and a brass identification plaque.
The Memorial Plaza is an outdoor gathering space used for services and social events. It includes a walkway outlined by memorial pavers, which may be purchased in remembrance of departed loved ones.
This important sacrament supports adults and youth in answering the call God makes on their lives. Confirmation instruction varies for adults and youth.
Youth are invited into a one year program of instruction, prayer and discernment. Youth who go through preparation for Confirmation are accompanied by a Mentor who supports them in their faith journey and shares their walk with the student. This preparation takes place apart from youth ministry programs and is done in collaboration with several other parishes for a rich and rewarding experience. Youth must be 15-years-old or older at the time of Confirmation.
Adults are invited into a multi-week instruction, prayer and discernment time with the clergy. Classes cover various topics which include the theology, history, and fundamental components of living a Christ-centered life.
The next St. Michael’s Adult Confirmation Class (Episcopal Essentials) begins October 2024.
To add your name to the Youth Confirmation Interest list, email
St. Michael's offers the sacrament of marriage to the members of our congregation and their families. We view marriage as solemn and public covenant made in the presence of God. In the Episcopal Church it is required that at least one of the parties must be a baptized Christian; that the ceremony be attested by at least two witnesses; and that the marriage conform to the laws of the State and the canons of this Church.
The First Steps
All prospective couples need to speak with our priest in order to initiate the wedding preparation process.
Some initial items of which to be aware:
Wedding Policies and Guidelines - CLICK HERE to access
Pre-marital and Pastoral Counseling
The canons (rules and regulations) of the Church require that each couple preparing for marriage in the Episcopal Church must undergo pre-marital counseling. Clergy cannot marry couples who have not completed pre-marital counseling.Scheduling
Weddings may be scheduled at any time by our priest. Weddings are not customarily scheduled during Lent (the forty days preceding Easter) or on major holidays.The Officiating Priest and the Liturgy At St. Michael's, it is the norm that our priest conduct the service, however the possibility of guest clergy is permissible. The liturgy of the service also may take various forms as permitted by the canons of the church and the Diocese of Colorado.
Outside Wedding Consultant If you are working with an outside wedding consultant, this person will not be permitted to play an active role in the ceremony or the rehearsal.