Becoming a Member
Welcome to St. Michael’s Episcopal Church. As a church on a mission to make Christ known within and beyond our walls, we look forward to walking beside you and supporting you on your spiritual journey. By now you’ve most likely joined us for worship, met some new faces, and learned about the many ministries available to help you explore, grow, and deepen your faith.
Step 1 - Complete an online Membership Form
Complete our online “Membership Form” to be added to our database, mailing list, and to transfer your membership from your former church. Click the button below to join St. Michael’s. (If you do not have a former church, we will complete a declaration on your behalf.) If you need assistance filling out this form, please call the church office at 719-598-3244.
Once you complete the Membership Form, you will be contacted with any questions or if we need more information. After your membership paperwork has been processed, you will receive an official welcome letter from our clergy. * We would love to add your photo to our parish directory. Please email a photo of yourself OR you and your spouse OR you and your family (prefer landscape) to Thank you!
Step 2: Sign up to receive our emails
Sign up to receive emails from St. Michael’s to receive regular communications about ministries, events, and opportunities to get involved. You can sign up for the Parish Wide “Weekly eNews”, the “CYF” Children-Youth-Family weekly email, or receive the “Daily Journey” a daily scripture passage & spiritual prompt.
Step 3: Support the mission and ministries
Support the mission and ministries of St. Michael’s with an annual pledge of your time, talent, and treasure. Click on the button below to be directed to our giving page to learn more about how you directly impact the ways we live into our mission.
Wait … there is more!
Join us for a Newcomer Lunch and get connected into our community by signing up for a small group, donating to our outreach partners, and getting involved in ministries that speak to the gifts God has entrusted to your care.
Don’t forget … As a member of St. Michael’s, the clergy and staff are here for you. If you have questions or need help, please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance. As Christians, we are called to faithfully walk beside one another in the good times and in the challenging moments of life. If you find yourself with questions, doubts, or experiences that you need help processing through a spiritual lens, please reach out. The clergy at St. Michael’s are equipped to provide you and your loved ones with pastoral support and prayer. Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength - not weakness.
Newcomer Lunch
Four times a year, we invite all newcomers and visitors to join our clergy and staff for lunch and fellowship. This is a great opportunity to meet other newcomers and learn about our spiritual home. Newcomer Gatherings & Lunches will be announced in the Friday Weekly eNews and on our website.
New Member Reception
New members are invited to join the Rector, church staff and leaders for a reception as a way to welcome you into our community. This is a wonderful opportunity you will not want to miss! Details will be posted in the weekly eNews.
Questions or need help?
Linda Kean
Newcomer Coordinator