Youth Ministries

Luke 3:46 “After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.”

St. Michael’s is dedicated to creating experiences, groups, conversations, and opportunities for youth to deepen and explore their faiths. Just as 12 year old Jesus learned and shared his knowledge at the temple, our youth are invited to ask questions and share their own wisdom and experiences in Sunday School, Youth Group, and other events.

Youth Group

Middle & High School

Our middle & high school youth groups meet on Wednesday nights at the church.

Middle School: 5:30 - 6:45 PM
High School: 7:00 - 8:30 PM

We gather to take a break from our busy school lives, share a meal, engage in fellowship, and deepen our faith lives together.

Sunday School

Middle & High School

Our middle and high school Sunday School groups meet from 9:15 - 10:10 AM on Sunday mornings. We gather to learn about and discuss who Jesus is and what that means in our lives.

Youth Council

High School

Our high school youth council is a team of dedicated servant leaders who meet once a month to develop leadership skills and put those into action through programs, service, and events inside and outside our parish. All high schoolers are welcome to join. CLICK HERE to fill out the youth council application and Owen will contact you.


BeYou! is a partnership of 10 LGBTQ+ affirming youth groups from around Colorado Springs to gather together for a meal, worship, fellowship and fun. We meet quarterly at a rotation of downtown churches.


From our Ski Trip, to Spring & Fall Retreats, to Service Days, Ice Skating, Diocesan Trips, the Youth Olympics and more… There’s always something going on for our Middle & High Schoolers at St. Mike’s. Enjoy this gallery of photos and click the button below to make sure you don’t miss the next exciting Youth Event.