Welcome to St. Michael’s!
If you are looking for a spiritual home, look no further. St. Michael’s Episcopal Church is a family of people who have been called by God to live, learn, and love beyond our walls! Together we serve, worship, pray, and support one another. The waters of Baptism and a commitment to following the way of Jesus bind us together. In that respect we are committed to opening our hearts and lives to all people who feel led to us. We are a community filled with seekers on a journey, and we look forward to getting to know you!
Attend a Newcomer Lunch
Attend one of our quarterly Newcomer Lunches following the 10:30 AM Sunday service. The Newcomer Lunch provides an opportunity to connect with the clergy, staff, and other newcomers in a more intimate setting. To see if there is a lunch currently planned, click below to access our "Signups & Registrations” page.
Become a Member of St. Michael’s today!
What does it mean to be a “member of St. Michael’s?” If you are ready to become a member of our spiritual home, click on the “MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION” button to be directed to our Membership website to learn more.
Get Connected
We are looking forward to getting to know you and learning more about you. Our Newcomer Ministry Coordinator, Linda Kean, is a wonderful resource for you and is able to answer all of your questions. Please complete the form at the bottom of this page or email Linda or The Rev. Matt Holcombe using one of the links below.
Within the larger Christian community, St. Michael’s is member of the Episcopal Church, which is a part of the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado, and a member of the Anglican Communion, a group of churches all over the world who trace their heritage through the Church of England.
We would like you to know that St. Michael's is an enthusiastic, friendly, caring, compassionate church, which has a heart for Christian community and service. Here you will find many opportunities to be connected to God and each other. If you have a hunger to grow in the Christian faith and walk hand in hand with other disciples of Jesus, we welcome you and invite you to share in our life together. We look forward to hearing from you and wish you a blessed day. +
Get Connected & Learn More
Are you ready to grow spiritually? Are you looking for a spiritual home or a community that you can grow in your relationship with God, the world, your neighbors, and yourself? Complete the below form and a staff member will reach out to you in the coming days.
Join our Email List
Do you want to learn more about the current events and ministries at St. Michael’s? Sign up for All General Communications & Weekly eNews to stay connected and learn about opportunities for you to explore, grow, and deepen. Have kids at home? Sign up for the Children, Youth, Family Weekly eNews to learn about specific events geared towards our families and younger parishioners. Are you ready to be fed daily? Sign up to receive the Daily Bible Journey for a daily email containing scripture and a spiritual prompt/question.