The Seraphim Choir (St. Michael’s Adult Choir)
If you enjoy sharing your love for God through song, consider joining the Seraphim Choir to sing during the 10:30 AM Service on Sundays. Choir rehearsals are on Thursdays at 6:30 PM during the program year.
During the summer months, all are invited to join the Summer Choir to lead hymns and sing an easy Offertory anthem. To sing on a particular summer Sunday, meet in the Sanctuary at 9:45 for a brief rehearsal.
To learn more and get involved please contact:
Director of Music, Amalia Dobbins
719-598-3244 x 115
Youth Singers & Cherub Choir
The Youth Singers and Cherub Choir sing every quarter and on special Sundays with rehearsals during Children's Chapel. Youth Singers are middle and high school age; Cherub Choir is elementary and preschool. Contact Amalia for more information and watch for rehearsal times in the Children and Family Weekly eNews.
Director of Music, Amalia Dobbins
719-598-3244 x 115
More Musical Opportunities at St. Michael’s
Handbell Choir
The Handbell Choir at St. Michael’s offers beautiful music using an extensive collection of bells on special days at St. Michael’s. Our Bell Choir consists of parishioners who volunteer their gifts and love of music. You do not have to be a musician to ring bells. Contact Mary Dee Weigel at for more information or to even arrange a time to work with her on a one-on-one basis.
Congregational Song Leader & Soloists
In addition to the Adult Choir, St. Michael’s offers opportunities for trained singers to be featured soloists during Sunday services. If you would like to participate, please contact Amalia to schedule an audition.
Do you play an instrument? If so, we would love to have to share your gifts with our community. Please contact Amalia Dobbins to inquire and learn more. In the recent past we’ve had parishioners play the flute, violin, clarinet, guitar, piano, and bassoon to name a few.
“As Foretold”
In November 2022, St. Michael’s joined the Royal Gorge Philharmonic to present “As Foretold”, an Oratorio based on the historical texts and scriptures prophesying the birth of Jesus Christ. We were fortunate to have an encore performance of this on November 18, 2023. The prophesies, presented in chronological order beginning in 2500 B.C., reference the Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Composer and Conductor, Gerald Willis, led the Royal Gorge Philharmonic, and the performance included as special guests the St. Michael’s Seraphim Choir and the United States Air Force Academy Cadet Choir. Click below to view this magnificent past performance.
About St. Michael’s Organ and 2022 Upgrade
Click above image to watch the Organ Upgrade video.
St. Michael’s pipe organ was installed by Wilson and Associates of Colorado Springs in August 2003 and dedicated in June 2004. A number of parishioners aided Music Director Emeritus, Trent Ellis, in contributing and assembling its components, including the hand-fashioned decorative wood casing.
As one of the flagship organs in the state, St. Michael’s is blessed with an amazing instrument known for it’s beautiful sound. Over the recent year several critical components have begun to fail including the power switch, start up sequencer, and the control system which is running on Windows 98. The Organ Committee met throughout 2021 and selected the state-of-the-art OPUS II Control System. John Grunow was contracted and work concluded in April 2022.