Giving to St. Michael’s
Thank you for supporting the mission and ministries of St. Michael’s. Giving online through our secure site is safe and easy. You can make a one-time gift, pay towards your pledge, or set up a recurring contribution using your credit card, debit card, or ACH (eCheck). St. Michael’s is also able to process stock gifts and answer giving questions by email
Text to Give
Text the number: 719-2233446
Text the word: GIVE
Send the text & follow the secure weblink to give online
On your smartphone, using your text messaging application following the above steps. After you are directed to the secure online form you can select what “fund” you want to apply your contribution. If you have any problems or questions contact treasurer@stmikeschurch or the church office 719-598-3244.
Ways to give to St. Michael’s
Annual Pledge
Each year St. Michael’s relies on your generosity to carry out its mission and ministries. Each year we are responsible for raising 100% of our annual budget from pledges. A pledge is a financial commitment made to support the operating budget of St. Michael’s. Annual pledges can be paid in advance or before the final calendar day of the current year. Pledges can be paid weekly, monthly, quarterly, or all at once. To make an annual pledge anytime during the year CLICK HERE TO PLEDGE.
Gifts of Thanksgiving
Gifts of Thanksgiving are often one time gifts given in thanksgiving for God, often in celebration of a life event. Thanksgiving gifts can be made when celebrating a birth, marriage, promotion at work, or when receiving an unexpected gift yourself.
Memorial Gifts
Memorial Gifts are given in memory or honor of a loved one, often after their death. Memorial gifts can be designated for a specific purpose or at the discretion of the clergy and/or vestry. To make a Memorial Gift please reach out to the Rector.
Capital Gifts
Capital Gifts are funds collected for capital improvements or projects, often related to the physically building or property of the church. Capital Campaigns or Fundraisers can vary in size from several thousand dollars to several million dollars.
Contact Jan McLaughlin, Finance Manager, at or call the church office 719-598-3244 with questions related to giving at St. Michael’s. Thank you for your support and contributions.