First Name
Last Name
Relation to Child(ren)/Youth
First Name
Last Name
Relation to Child(ren)/Youth
Would you like for the person listed above to receive communications regarding upcoming children/youth events?
Yes, I would like for this contact to receive information regarding upcoming events.
No, please only send information regarding upcoming events to the primary contact.
First Name
Last Name
Relation to Child(ren)/Youth
Children/Youth Information
Please list each child's name, preferred name, date of birth, & the grade they will be in for the 2023-2024 school year.
Allergies, Dietary Restrictions, & Accommodations
Please list any allergies, dietary restrictions, and accommodations needed along with the child/youth's name. If none, please write "N/A"
Please indicate what activities/ministries your child(ren) may participate in this program year.
Check all that apply
Nursery Care (Ages 5 & Under)
Sunday School (Pre-K - 5th Grade)
Sunday School (6th - 12th Grade)
Children's Chapel (Elementary)
Cherub Choir (Pre-K - 5th Grade
Youth Group (Middle & High School)
BeYou! (Middle & High School)
Youth Council (High School)
Confirmation (High School)
Trips (Mission/Pilgrimage/Retreat)
Worship Volunteer (Acolyte/Lay Reader/Etc.)
*New* Prayer Partners (Paired up with an older member of the congregation who prays for you!)
Outreach Activities
Permission & Release Agreement
Checking these boxes allows your children & youth to participate in programs, events, and ministries this year.
Consent: I give my (contact #1) permission and consent for my children/youth to participate in St. Mike's programs & events. I agree and acknowledge that the submission of this form binds me to the terms of the agreement. I acknowledge that I have read the terms of this release and agreement.
Medical Release: In case of emergency, I understand every effort will be made to contact me. In the event I cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to hospitalize and/or secure proper treatment for the participant.
Transportation (Middle & High School only): Transportation on youth trips will be in private vehicles driven by youth ministry staff and volunteers. I give permission for the participant to ride in private vehicles on trips and retreats and agree to release and hold St. Michael's and the driver of the vehicle harmless from any claims or demands, for any injuries or damages arising from said transportation.
Release: I hereby release St. Michael's from any and all claims or demands, for injuries/damages arising out of the acts or omissions of the independent contractors employed by St. Michael's, the acts of other participants/strangers, and the acts or omissions of St. Michael's.
Images: Any photograph or audio or video recording of the participant may be used in future materials by St. Michael's and/or posted on the website, communications, or social media.
Insurance Provider Name
Insurance Policy Number
Insurance Policy Holder Name
Volunteer Interest
Please select all that apply.
I am not interested in volunteering with children & youth this year.
I am interested in volunteering on a regular (weekly or monthly) basis with children.
I am interested in volunteering on a regular (weekly or monthly) basis with youth.
I am interested in volunteering at events or special (non-recurring) programming.
I am interested in chaperoning trips (retreat, mission, pilgrimage).
I am interested in volunteering in the nursery.
Please list any additional comments or questions you have regarding our children & youth programs this year. If there is any additional information that you would like to include to help us best support your children/youth, please put that here as well.