St. Michael’s Weekend Opportunities to Serve
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Habitat Build site: 8:30-12:00 or 12:45-4:00

We have partnered with Habitat for Humanity to help build a home for a local family in the Ridge at Sand Creek neighborhood. Volunteers must be 16 or older.

Habitat ReStore: 10:00-2:00 or 2:00-6:00

Habitat ReStores are nonprofit home improvement stores and donation centers that are open to the public and sell items similar to those found in other home goods stores. Proceeds generated by the ReStores are re-invested by Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity to fund new homes for qualifying families in El Paso County. Volunteers must be 12 or older. 12 to 15-old-years must have an adult present with them.

Make Lunches for Habitat Build: 10:00-11:30

Since there are age requirements at work sites, this is a great way for our younger members to get involved. Pack lunches and stay after to “CHALK THE WALK” in preparation for St. Michael’s Day.