Archangel Newsletter - Request Form

The clergy and staff continue to seek ways to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to our care. As a result, we have reimagined the Archangel Newsletter. In the past four years as we’ve grown, we have doubled our mailing list, and in January 2024 it cost $615 to print and mail 450 Archangel Newsletters. We also learned from the 2023 parish survey that this publication is not the primary source used to get involved or learn what is happening in our parish. As a result, you’ll notice fewer pages and shorter descriptions.  It is our hope that you will transition to viewing the Archangel digitally (on a computer or mobile device).

If you still wish to receive a printed and mailed copy of the Archangel Newsletter to your home, please do one of the following:

  1. Complete the below form (preferred method).

  2. Email with the subject line “Archangel” and include your name and mailing address in the email.

  3. Call the church office at 719-598-3244 and let our Front Desk know you want a printed Archangel mailed to your home.

Yes, please print and mail a copy of the Archangel Newsletter to my home.