Being God's hands and feet in our world
All Christians are called to exercise the gifts and talents God has given them to serve his kingdom in this world.
At St. Michael's there are many ways for us to serve. Click on picture below to learn more about that area of service.
SServing at the altar enables one to enter into the service in a new and special way. Acolytes are trained periodically through the year as torchbearers, banner carriers, crucifers and servers. Acolytes serve at regular weekly services and at special services.
Chalice Ministers
This ministry is for those who are called to vest and serve at the altar to administer the wine from the chalice during worship.
Greeters and Ushers
Making members and newcomers feel welcome is important to us, and our greeters help by giving everyone a firm handshake and a cheery good morning when they arrive for services. Ushers facilitate the flow of the services in various ways. Contact the church office to find out how to serve in either capacity.
Lay Eucharistic VisitorS
This group of trained and licensed ministers deliver communion to members of our church who have difficulty leaving their homes.
Altar GuiLD
Members of the Altar Guild prepare the altar for our Sunday and special liturgies. Members are part of a team, and serve one weekend during the month.
Coffee Hour Hosts
These people use their gifts of hospitality to prepare the coffee/tea and set out prepared snacks for our fellowship time after each service. Contact the church office for more information.
Intercessors and Readers
These people reverently read the lessons for the day at Sunday services, and lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People. These are easy ministries to start with if you feel called to contribute to the worship services.
Sacristans assist in preparing the hymn boards, adjusting the lectionary book, and other functions around the altar in preparation for Sunday services.