Vacation Bible School:
Mission Possible

Join us for an immersive Vacation Bible School experience at St. Michael’s! This is a three night program that will educate participants about God, provide fun and engaging games and activities, and create opportunities for bonding and relationship building! We are so excited that this year’s VBS will be in partnership with our friends at First United Methodist Prairie Campus!

  • Dates: Tuesday, June 27 - Thursday, June 29

  • Time: 5:00 - 7:30 PM

  • Location: St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 7400 Tudor Rd.

  • Dinner will be provided.

  • Participant registration open to rising Pre-K through rising 6th graders. (Children must be four years old by 8/31/2023)

  • Cost is $50 per participant. This covers a VBS T-shirt, program costs, and meals each night. Scholarships are readily available.

  • Vacation Bible School relies on volunteers and teen helpers to operate! Please fill out the volunteer registration if you are interested in volunteering. Teen Helpers are rising 7th graders to graduating seniors.